Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) Mental Health:
A Curriculum for Psychiatry Residents
Version 2.0 update: Laura Erickson-Schroth, MD, Natalie Ramos, MD, Patrick Hurley, MD
Committee of GAP: Stewart Adelson, Joanne Ahola, Kenneth Ashley, Mary E. Barber, William Byne, Flávio Casoy, Jack Drescher, Alhasan Ghazzawi, Matthew Fadus, Ben Fey, Kenneth Hung, Naomi Libby, Lorraine E. Lothwell, Marlin R. Mattson, Scot G. McAfee, Christopher A. McIntosh, Alan Schwartz, D. Andrew Tompkins, Eric Yarbrough.
Contributing Former Members: Lisa Capell, Marshall Forstein, Jeffrey Guss, Edward Hanin, Sarah E. Herbert, Richard O. Hire, Amy Hoffman, Benjamin McCommon, Scott Masters, Jack Pula, Vernon Rosario, Serena Y. Volpp
Additional Contributors: Ali Haidar, Lana Irons, Natalie Umesi
Last updated November 12th, 2021
This new curriculum is a co-creation of AGLP: The Association of LGBTQ+ Psychiatrists (AGLP) and the LGBT Committee of the Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry (GAP). In recent years, much has been learned about the specific mental health needs of LGBTQ populations through surveys and research studies. However, training in these topics remains quite limited. The overwhelming majority of general psychiatry residents graduate without learning about disparities affecting LGBTQ populations or how to effectively provide affirming, sensitive care to gender and sexual minority patients. This project was launched with the goal of incorporating the most recent literature into tangible, easily accessible teaching materials for general psychiatry residents.
AGLP is a national association of psychiatrists dedicated to improving mental health for LGBTQ patients through education and advocacy efforts. GAP is a psychiatric think tank created after World War II to increase public awareness about mental health and develop position papers and educational materials on relevant topics. The LGBT Committee of GAP has been a leading advocate for training psychiatry residents in LGBTQ mental health and, in 2011, published an online curriculum - www.aglp.org/gap